Remembrance and heritage of the Ashkenazi culture

The European project “Civ-Ashoah”, coordinated by Ligue de l’enseignement in partnership with ARCI (Italy) and Taube Center (Poland), aims to raise awareness among European citizens about the Shoah by offering a transnational, historical and cultural reading of the heritage of the Ashkenazi Jewish community.


  • Festival

    The European Days of Jewish Culture

    The objective of this European-wide event is to highlight the diversity and richness of Judaism and its local, regional and national historical importance, to promote dialogue and exchange through conferences, concerts, performances, guided tours and other activities, throughout the continent. The European Days of Jewish Culture festival is held every year around a central theme from the first Sunday in September. The AEPJ coordinates this event at European level.

  • Music

    Yiddish songs

    Ola Bilinska

    Ola Bilińska is a Polish vocalist and songwriter. She is involved in various projects including music as varied as neo folk being mixed with bigbit and yiddish.

  • Book

    Judei de Urbe. Storia illustrata degli ebrei di Roma

    Mario Camerini

    This Italian graphic novel traces the historical presence of the Jewish community in Rome, from the 14th century to the present day.

  • Podcast

    Rachel Ertel, mémoire du Yiddish

    France Culture

    Series of podcasts "Rachel Ertel, mémoire du Yiddish" on "France culture": born in 1939 in Slonim, then Poland, Rachel moved to France in 1948. This podcast tells her story.

  • Exhibit

    Musée d'Art et d'histoire du judaisme

    Musée d'Art et d'histoire du judaisme

    Presentation of the collection (photos, audio and videos) : masterpieces ; history of judaism, etc.

  • Book

    Jewish Heritage Travel: A Guide to East-Central Europe

    Ruth Ellen Gruber

    This book is a combination travel guide and history book to Jewish culture in Eastern Europe, providing tips on what to bring and wear, getting around, locating historical sites, etc. ... Lire la suite It includes completely maps, numerous photographs and references that will further aid readers in preparing for their trip.

  • Movie


    Nurith Aviv

    Seven young people of today recount their passion for Yiddish poetry written by authors who were about their age between the wars. ... Lire la suite The film's protagonists, some Jewish, some not, also move between countries and languages. They each talk about their personal relationship with Yiddish and with a poet they particularly love. For these young people, Yiddish poetry is not just a part of their Jewish past, but a way of finding their place in the present.

  • Festival

    Festival des cultures juives

    Every summer, the Festival of Jewish Cultures offers 15 days of eclectic cultural programming in Paris to help as many people as possible discover a plural and open Jewish culture.

  • The Grandmas Project

    Recipe for Kneidler broth: Grandmas Project is a collaborative web series sharing the recipes and stories of grandmothers filmed by their grandchildren.

  • Exhibit

    Sur les traces d'une photo

    Yad Layeled - L'enfant et la Shoah association

    This exhibition entitled "In the Footsteps of a Photo" allows visitors to discover and appropriate the stories of ten Jewish children who lived through and survived the Second World War in Europe.

  • Exhibit

    “Burning” Cycle (2003-2020)

    Monika Krajewska

    Monika Krajewska makes paper cut-outs of objects that have disappeared to commemorate the Jewish world destroyed by the Shoah (synagigues, ceremonial objects, etc.).

  • Exhibit

    Shtetl virtuel

    Polin Museum of the History of the Polish Jews

    The shtetl refers to a small Jewish town or district in Eastern Europe before the Second World War. This virtual shtetl, created by the Polin Museum in Poland, presents the life and history of pre-war Jews.

  • Commemorative plaques


    Gunter Demnig (artist)

    The project was created to remember the victims of Nazism by installing commemorative brass plaques in the pavement in front of their last address of choice. ... Lire la suite There are now STOLPERSTEINE (lit. “stumbling stones or blocks”) in at least 1200 places in Germany, as well as in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine.

  • Blog

    Tori Avey

    Ashkenazi jewish recipes (Potato Kugel, schnitzel, cheesecake, pastrami...).

  • Video

    CIV ASHOAH Video

    35 young participants of the CIV ASHOAH program

    Two days of workshops were organised in Paris for a group of 35 young Europeans aged 18-30 (students, civic service volunteers, young professionals, etc.). At the end of the workshops, they created an awareness video in order to participate in the memory of the Ashkenazi community.

  • Cultural organisation

    Medem Center

    The Centre Medem is a Jewish association that organises numerous meetings and activities in Paris (language courses, testimonies, workshops, conferences, debates, cultural outings, shows, etc.). ... Lire la suite The Centre Medem is a Jewish association that organises numerous meetings and activities in Paris (language courses, testimonies, workshops, conferences, debates, cultural outings, shows, etc.)

  • ArtVideo

    Natalia Romik

    Natalia Romik is a historian, architect and artist, whose work focuses on Jewish memory and Holocaust commemoration in Eastern Europe, particularly Poland and Ukraine. Her project explores and preserves the unusual hiding places used by Jews in the Holocaust. ... Lire la suite Romik’s work combines archival investigation, theoretical research, architectural design, artistic practice, and social engagement. She has dedicated her efforts to investigating and preserving Jewish memory, especially its material and architectural traces, and the forgotten legacy of shtetls – small, historically Jewish towns.

  • Book

    Yiddish poetry

    Various authors

    Book about Yiddish women's poetry (from the 16th century to 1939).

  • Festival

    Jewish culture festival

    The aim of the festival is to revive the memory of Poland's Jews and their contribution to the country's culture. It takes place every year in Krakow in June.

  • Music

    Le Petit Mish Mash

    Marine Goldwaser, Mihai Trestian et Adrian Iordan

    The "petit Mish Mash" is the result of a meeting between Bucharest-born gypsy accordionist Adrian Iordan, cymbalum player Mihai Trestian, a concert performer trained at the conservatory in Chisinau (Moldavia), and clarinetist/flautist Marine Goldwaser, a musician on the new klezmer scene.

  • Book

    Jewish Life in Poland

    Taube Center

    This book traces a thousand years of Jewish life in Poland and is accessible to all levels of knowledge.

  • Video

    Ikh Lern Zikh Yiddish

    YouTube videos about the Yiddish language (basic grammar language usage, pronunciation, ...)

  • Cultural organisation

    Maison de la culture yiddish

    The Maison de la culture yiddish aims to preserve Yiddish heritage, promote Yiddish culture in France and Europe, promote Yiddish as a language of culture, and foster knowledge of Yiddish among people from all walks of life. ... Lire la suite It offers :
    – a media library (collections from the Medem Library, video library, sound library),
    – - language courses at all levels, seminars on Yiddish literature and a summer university,
    - artistic workshops (theatre, song, poetry, film, folk dance, klezmer music, etc.),
    - activities for children (language classes, choir, drawing workshop, shows for young audiences, festivals and carnival),
    - Yiddish conversation and discussion circles,
    - events in French and Yiddish (exhibitions, shows, film and documentary screenings, lectures),
    - a bookshop café.